
Safety is Not Just a Hard Hat

At Compass Access Solutions, we believe that nothing we do, and no job is so urgent that we can't take the time to do it safely. The welfare of our employees is our top priority. At Compass, we’ve developed and implemented the most effective health and safety policies and procedures with the ultimate goal of reducing workplace accidents and injuries through training, education and awareness.

Having a proactive safety mindset in each of our team members is essential. Complete and active participation by everyone, every day, on every job, is necessary to achieve the expected standard of safety excellence. All employees, including management and supervisors, are responsible and accountable for the company’s overall safety initiatives, following all procedures, working safely, and providing feedback towards improving all safety measures.

Management is responsible for providing a safe worksite by establishing and maintaining adequate standards and equipment to ensure that physical and health hazards are accounted for and eliminated. An attitude of cooperation from employees in promoting incident prevention assists in achieving our goal: “No one gets hurt.” We want to make our company the best place to work; one where employees share in corporate growth and success.

We exceed industry standards and are always seeking to take our safety practices to the next level. We’ve created an interactive safety culture where all team members are encouraged to be involved, creative, and vocal. You can see and feel the difference in our company.

We don’t view health, safety and environmental concerns as problems; we see them as opportunities to have consistent quality, a high-functioning healthy team, and an active role in keeping our environment safe. We develop work procedures that comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act of Alberta. We are also registered with COR, ISN, and ComplyWorks.

Our program complies with the government regulatory requirements in Alberta. We have a full-time National Construction Safety Officer to ensure that all employees receive the standard training upon hire.

At Compass, we believe in rewarding employees for going above and beyond when it comes to safety. Our Health and Safety Incentive Program recognizes employees for engaging in the HSE program. This is a proactive plan designed to reward employees for carrying out safe acts and for recognizing/reporting unsafe behaviour in the workplace. We want to provide an equal opportunity for shop and field staff at Compass Access Solutions to contribute and be rewarded regardless of their position or experience.

We believe that no job is so important that we cannot take the time to do it safely. While it’s important to do our job, we mustn’t forget the value of the health and safety of all employees, contractors, and the public. Our business is always conducted with safety in mind, ensuring that everyone goes home safely. We are proud to say that we have a team at Compass whose dedication to safety has allowed us to achieve and maintain our Workplace Safety Certificate of Recognition. The COR shows clients that safety is our number one priority.

Compass Access Solutions is registered with ISNetworld, ComplyWorks, and Avetta, allowing us to monitor and maintain the compliance and operations requirements of our clients and contractors. Registrations with these groups allow Compass to support continued compliance and ensure that HSE regulations are followed.

Referring to an employee as a “competent person” isn’t just a compliment, it’s also a legal obligation. Compass Access Solutions employs a full-time NCSO—someone who can recognize hazards and apply the proper controls to mitigate any risks involved with our daily operations.

Our HSE department is fully trained to ensure that all employees receive the best training and are comfortable and qualified before going out into the field. Having a full-time safety professional on staff ensures that Compass Access Solutions is always up to date with current legislation, following all industry standards, and that we’re meeting the needs of our clients.

Safety meetings at Compass are designed with the employee in mind. Compass meets with all employees each month to share important information regarding safety within our company. Employees are encouraged to attend safety meetings regularly and share ideas or concerns as part of our ongoing initiative to ensure that safety is integrated into every part of daily operations. Round table discussions, hands-on practice, drills, and real discussions about our business are just a part of what makes our safety meetings unique.

We are constantly working to achieve the goal of zero workplace accidents. Our team members are trained to be proactive, keeping safety in mind no matter what task they are performing. Compass Access Solutions upholds the well-being of our employees, which is why we host our annual Safety Stand Down.

Safety Stand Down is a two-day event that provides information concerning changes in our industry, working conditions, or processes as well as new developments within our company. Employees from every division of our business gather and talk directly about the safety concerns they may experience on the job or in our daily lives.

Our employees are encouraged to participate in group discussions, team building activities, and practice hands on skills to maintain our positive and interactive safety culture. At Compass, our safety culture goes beyond the rules and systems in place; it’s about the values, attitudes and behaviours of every team member.

By bringing together our employees – from executives and managers to supervisors and frontline workers – and talking about safety concerns, we can reinforce the behaviours and attitudes that make Compass Access Solutions a safe workplace.

Safety Sync is a dynamic program that uses specifically designed software to monitor the safety performance of our employees and contractors. Using modern technology, we track and trend compliance with safety regulations across our company and provide a platform for employees to engage with senior management. Safety Sync goes beyond a spreadsheet tracking safety program and provides Compass with the ability to easily communicate important messages with our team, leading to higher employee engagement and lower incident rates.

Since inception, Compass Access Solutions has strived to achieve and maintain a Total Recordable Incident Frequency (TRIF) of 0. This is a direct reflection of our dedication to safety—one of the chief values on which our company was founded.

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